Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Case Judge Declares Mistrial

Jury had been deadlocked and unable to reach a unanimous consensus since Thursday

By Ken Baker, Corinne Heller Jun 17, 2017 2:34 PMTags

A judge declared Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial a mistrial Saturday after the jury announced it was deadlocked and unable to reach a verdict after 52 hours of deliberations over five days.

The Cosby Show star had pleaded not guilty to three counts of aggravated indecent assault after being accused of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his Philadelphia home in 2004. She is among more than 50 women who have accused him of sexual misconduct, but her allegations are the only ones to result in criminal charges. Cosby has denied all claims.

The panel of seven men and five women were sequestered in Pennsylvania since the trial began earlier this month. On Thursday, they told the judge the jury was deadlocked. They were ordered to resume deliberations to reach a unanimous consensus. They spent much of Friday asking to view past related phone records and testimonies. On Saturday, they declared again they were still deadlocked. Cosby's lawyer then made a motion for a mistrial. 

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"You've worked so hard," the judge told them. "I'm compelled to declare a mistrial. it is neither a vindication or a victory. This was the justice system."

Cosby was expressionless at the judge spoke, his hands trembling slightly as he held his cane to his chest while sitting. Constand sat stone-faced in the front row, opposite from him. Several other female accusers sat behind her and sniffled and sobbed.

"Your honor, we will retry this case," the district attorney told the court, drawing gasps.

The judge said a new trial will commence within 120 days.

Speaking to reporters outside the courtroom, District Attorney Kevin Steele called Constand "courageous."

"She is a positive person and has kept all of us going while waiting for the jury to come back," he said. "She will continue to cooperate with us and I look forward to her getting a verdict in this case."

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Cosby did not testify throughout the proceedings but did speak to reporters Friday outside the courtroom.

"I just want to wish all of the fathers a Happy Father's Day and I want to thank all of the jury for their long days, their honest work individually," he said, as seen in a video on CNN. "I also want to thank the supporters who've been here and please to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people, just keep up the great support. Thank you all. Thank you."

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