11 Back to School Movies to Get You Excited About the Upcoming School Year

From Breakfast Club to Mean Girls, check our favorite school-themed flicks

By Kendall Fisher Sep 04, 2017 1:00 PMTags

It's officially September and that means, for some of you, school is back in session!

Whether you're a parent dropping your teenager off on his or her first day of high school or a college student attending your first full week of lectures, it's certainly an exciting time of year.

From fall football games and rallies to studying late in the library to acing tests and dancing the night away at homecoming, the year will undoubtedly be filled with new opportunities...despite how upset you may be that summer has come to an end.

Celeb Kids Go Back to School!

However, we totally get the feeling of back-to-school blues. So, in order to help you kick 'em, we compiled 15 of the best back to school movies that will get you pumped for the upcoming year.

From Breakfast Club to Mean Girls, Superbad to Grease, these are some of the flicks that make school look cool.

Launch the video above to see them all for yourself!

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