Social Media Has a Lot to Say About This Floral Princess Diana Tribute

See the pictures that have caused on frenzy online

By Jess Cohen Sep 12, 2017 6:30 PMTags

A tribute to the late Princess Diana has caused a social media frenzy.

On Tuesday morning, Chesterfield Borough Council's Facebook account posted three photos of a floral tribute to Diana. "This year's #Chesterfield well dressing marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales," the post reads. "The well dressing is on display at the Town Pump outside the Market Hall."

After being posted just hours ago, the photos have already been shared almost 1000 times and they've received over 800 comments on Facebook alone.

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And the response hasn't been pleasant, with commenters saying the tribute looks like Worzel Gummidge, a scarecrow character from British children's books.

One Facebook user called the tribute "horrendous" and said it made her "ashamed" to say she's from Chesterfield, while another called it "absolutely horrific." And with Halloween coming up in October, another commenter wrote that it could "double up" as a "Halloween decoration" next month.

While the response has been greatly unpleasant, one Facebook user commented that the late Princess of Wales "had a sense of humour" and would "probably be laughing if she could see it or cared." However, the commenter believes the tribute should be taken down.

What do you think about the tribute? Do you agree that it should be taken down?

Let us know your response in the comments!

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