Amber Heard Opens Up About Domestic Abuse—and Refuses to Mention Johnny Depp

The Acquaman star opened up about the topic to Glamour

By Elyse Dupre Nov 27, 2018 4:23 PMTags
Amber HeardJason Kibbler for <i>Glamour</i>

It's been two years since Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp and was granted a temporary domestic violence restraining order against him.

In a new interview with Glamour published Tuesday, the Acquaman actress defined what it means to her to be a survivor. 

"When a woman comes forward, she will be met with skepticism, hostility, and shame," she told the magazine. "All a man has to do is point to an incentive. He will. Or society will."

 In 2017, Depp, who has denied allegations of abuse, agreed to pay Heard a $7 million divorce settlement. She also dismissed her domestic violence restraining order petition against him.

Heard donated the sum to the ACLU, with a particular focus on ending violence against women, and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.

 She did not use Depp's name at any point during her interview with the magazine. 

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This wasn't the time first time Heard has discussed this topic. She also fought back tears while opening up about domestic abuse in a PSA for the #GirlGaze Project. Being a voice for others is one of Heard's passions. 

"My job provides me with a platform," she says. "Silence is complacency."

Jason Kibbler for <i>Glamour</i>

Today, Heard continues to fight for a number of causes, including gender equality. 

"We get paid less as women, and we end up spending more time on set, because of hair and makeup demands," she said, noting she was making  "a bigger point" about working in an "inherently flawed system." 

She also joined Rise and a group of survivors in Washington D.C. to appeal to Arizona Senator Jeff Flake a week after watching Christine Blasey Ford testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. 

"I was in my hotel room in New York, and I was immediately nailed to the floor in a puddle of tears," she said, recalling the testimony. "We as women took a collective punch to the gut." 

To read her full interview, check out Glamour's January issue.

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